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Live Well. Eat Well. 2023

Eating more plant-based proteins

Plant-based diets are becoming more popular The 2023 National Nutrition Month campaign encourages people to eat with the environment in mind and to consume more plant-based foods. This means meat is seen rather as a sidekick than a main attraction. With plants being the center of...
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Egg substitutes when baking

No eggs? No Problem! You can use a variety of other foods when cooking and baking. It’s good to know how much egg substitute you need when replacing eggs in your recipe. 1 egg is roughly 1/4 cup (4 tablespoons/2oz) so you need to replace that volume in your recipe. Depending upon the recipe and...
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Is canning flour safe?

During gardening season, Americans home can fruit and vegetables to store them at room temperature and enjoy them throughout the year. Fruits and vegetables go bad much quicker than dry ingredients such as flour, but how long can flour be stored, and is it safe for home canning like fresh produce?...
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Prevent post-shoveling aches and pains

It’s officially winter which means snowfall is imminent! There are an estimated 11,500 snow shovel-related injuries and medical emergencies a year. Follow these tips to prevent aches and pains this winter season. “As residents of the Midwest, we understand weather can be subject to change in the...
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Functions of fats in the kitchen

Butter, margarine, and oil are all types of fat used in the kitchen. Whether it's baking, stir-frying, cooking, or using as a spread, fat plays a role in the American diet. The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend limiting saturated fat to less than 10% of total calories. Saturated...
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