
Inspiring words to support your self-care journey.

Education, Prevention, Inspiration

Empowering you to make healthy, respectful and responsible choices.

Community Health
Blog Articles
silhouette of person in hooded sweatshirt facing the sun with hands forming a heart
Read article: ¡Tu bienestar comienza contigo!
¡Tu bienestar comienza contigo!
El dicho en ingles traducido a "Si no haces tiempo para tu bienestar, te verás obligado a hacer tiempo para tu enfermedad" ha resonado con muchas...
Red sneakers going up the stairs
Read article: Wellness begins with you!
Wellness begins with you!
The saying “If you don’t make time for your wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness.”  has resonated with many people recently. It...
Read article: Five tips for creating powerful affirmations
Five tips for creating powerful affirmations
Often when I talk to adults about self-care the conversation leads to changes people want to make in their life. These changes may be physical,...
Read article: Include balance and flexibility exercises in your fitness routine
Include balance and flexibility exercises in your fitness routine
The start of a new year brings a renewed purpose for self-improvement and personal growth. Health and exercise are usually a part of that vision for...
Read article: Coping with holiday stress: Six tips to support your mental health
Coping with holiday stress: Six tips to support your mental health
As the familiar holiday jingle goes “it’s the most wonderful time of the year.” Well, not for everyone! Surveys indicate 45% of people living in the...
Read article: Take time for self-care during the holidays
Take time for self-care during the holidays
The start of the holiday season prompts us to be grateful and reflect on the meaning of celebrations, traditions, and life. Regardless of which...
Read article: Give yourself permission to slow down
Give yourself permission to slow down
In the northern hemisphere, we officially welcomed the season of fall on September 22. While I can appreciate certain aspects of all the seasons,...
Read article: Ease your child's stress about leaving for college
Ease your child's stress about leaving for college
The summer between high school graduation and freshman year of college is cause for excitement and a feeling of pride. There are many celebratory...
Mental Health Self Care
Blog Articles
Read article: Finding freedom in the every day
Finding freedom in the every day
There are as many different types of freedom as there are ways to experience freedom. Many can relate to the feeling of freedom a day off work brings...
Read article: Seeing beyond duality
Seeing beyond duality
How often do you find yourself caught up in “either/or” thinking? You might notice yourself thinking everything in life is either a success or...
Read article: Five ways to speak your truth
Five ways to speak your truth
Truth be told, how often do you honestly respond to the question “How are you?” For many of us, the response “fine” or “good” might simply come out...
Read article: Four ways to treat yourself compassionately
Four ways to treat yourself compassionately
It is not uncommon to treat your friends and loved ones gentler than you treat yourself. In fact, research demonstrates 84% of people are kinder to...
Read article: Light your fire of transformation
Light your fire of transformation
As we experience warmer temperatures, the sounds of birds singing, and the first spring blooms, we may also feel the desire for our own inner and/or...
Read article: Nourishing yourself
Nourishing yourself
The oxford dictionary defines nourishment as “the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition.” Have you given much...
Read article: Finding your base of support
Finding your base of support
When it comes to support, everyone experiences it in different ways. You may feel professionally supported by your supervisor or colleagues,...
Read article: Taking care of your energy body
Taking care of your energy body
On a daily basis, you are probably pretty aware of your levels of energy. We often comment on having a lot of energy, or feeling like we could use...