Current Volunteers

To be an active Master Gardener, you must remain current in annual educational updates - a minimum of 10 hours, and volunteer service hours - a minimum of 20 hours, required by the local program. Thank you for all you do for your communities!

Volunteer Resources

Volunteer Time Tracking System- Givepulse

Training Materials

Start here and click on each link:

  1. Watch a training recording on how to navigate the new hours reporting site: Givepulse
  2. Review the PDF slides of the training
  3. Read through the Givepulse FAQ document
  4. If needed: Review How to Claim Account video
  5. If needed: Review How to Add Impact video
  6. If needed: Search the Givepulse Help Articles
  7. If needed: Review the list of general event category descriptions
  8. For help-
  • with general questions contact Candice at
  • with local questions like which event to record a particular impact under, contact your local Extension staff person
  • with technical questions or issues regarding the site, contact


Log your volunteer and continuing education hours on Givepulse

Policies and Guidelines





    Order Master Gardener logo apparel. Returning soon with a new vendor!

      Continuing Education

      Advanced Training

      Additional Volunteer Skills Training

      Reports, awards, and the State Advisory Committee

      Annual Reports2018 | 2019 | 2020

      2022 MG Volunteer Survey Summary

      State Master Gardener Awards

      State Advisory Committee