Field Crop Insect and Disease Applied Research
Annual Applied Research Report
2021 Applied Research Results: Field Crop Disease and Insect Management
The 2021 Field Crop Insect and Disease Applied Research Report provides farmers with updated control efficacy and pest distribution information for major pests of corn and soybean. Use these evaluations to guide control decisions, track performance over time, and see trends in pest populations. Included in the 2021 guide:
- Surveys of key insect pests, including corn rootworm Japanese beetle, and dectes stem borer.
- Western and northern corn rootworm Bt resistance monitoring and field trait performance results
- Evaluations of fungicides and insecticides (both foliar and seed treatments) in corn and soybean
- Establishment of a long-term trial to explore entomopathogenic nematodes for rootworm control
- Summaries of weather and a production overview for the 2021 growing season
2020 Applied Research Results: Field Crop Disease and Insect Management
- Evaluations of foliar fungicides for control of frogeye leaf spot, white mold, purple seed stain, southern rust and more in corn and soybean
- Surveys of major pests and diseases, including red crown rot, plant-parasitic nematodes in corn, soybean gall midge, and the annual statewide insect survey
- Evaluations of insecticides and Bt traits for control of corn rootworms, as well as Bt-resistance bioassays of western corn rootworm
- Seed treatment evaluations for control of Rhizoctonia root rot and nematodes
2019 Applied Research Results: Field Crop Disease and Insect Management
- Surveys of soybean cyst nematode Hg types and the annual statewide insect survey
- Effects of foliar fungicides on yield in soybean and for control of tar spot, southern rust, grey leaf spot, and other foliar diseases in corn
- Evaluation of seed treatments for soybean cyst nematode suppression
- Control of soybean insect pests with foliar insecticides, and evaluations of Bt traits and soil insecticides for corn rootworm control
2018 Applied Research Results: Field Crop Pest and Disease Control
- Annual statewide insect pest survey, and a survey of plant-parasitic nematodes in corn
- Evaluations of corn, wheat, and soybean foliar fungicides
- Responses of different corn hybrids to tar spot
- Control of Japanese beetles using foliar insecticides in soybean