Onboarding New Employees
NETID: In order to get started with Extension and get access to resources you’ll need a University issued netid. A netid is your unique identifier for authentication and authorization to all kinds of services across the University, from email to cloud storage to computer logins. Your netid will always be the prefix to your University of Illinois email address, so your account will be [netid]@illinois.edu.
You can get help with you netid, netid password, or be prompted to remember your netid here: https://identity.uillinois.edu
Extension Job Details: Extension is a wide-ranging organization with many locations, offices, and job types. Before you contact the help desk, be sure to have a few key pieces of information:
- Full Name
- UIN (University Identification Number)
- Office location (Unit number, County, and Physical Address)
- Position Type (Educator, EPC, County Director, Office Support Assistant, etc.)
- Direct Supervisor
- Contact Information
If you don’t have all of those don’t worry, we’ll get as close as we can and our Help Desk will help you fill in the rest. Once you have the needed information please visit our new hire setup request form to submit a ticket to IT.