Monthly Unit Impact Snapshots Fulton County 4-H Livestock Judging Team delivers results The Fulton County 4-H Livestock Judging Team is a 4-H SPIN club that focuses on judging beef, sheep, and swine. The club began in 2014 and are seeing important life skills developed and future careers explored. Extension Master Gardeners partner with Phoenix Community Development to promote food access Master Gardeners are working to address food insecurity by growing fruits and vegetables in community giving gardens at Glendale Commons, apartments for homeless families or persons transitioning out of institutions. Rebecca Crumrine promoted to Extension educator In January, Rebecca was promoted into her new position that serves Fulton, Mason, Peoria, and Tazewell counties. She provides leadership to the unit SNAP-Ed team and collaborates with partners, such as pantries, schools, and health departments. Past Snapshots Archive