Thanks for turning to Illinois Extension for answers to your questions.

Illinois Extension has a presence in each county in Illinois. Let's start your journey there! If you have a question about a local program or wish to speak to a local expert in one of our program areas, you can find your local office and contact information here. You can also submit a written question directly to your county office by scrolling down to the form on this page.

We know there may be times you need to talk to someone about a state-level program. Here are several of our main outreach programs:

Pesticide Safety Education Program
Phone: (800) 644-2123 or (217) 244-2123

Safe Electricity 
4440 Ash Grove Dr., Suite B, Springfield, IL 62711 
Phone: (217) 546-6815

Plant Clinic
S-424 Turner Hall MC-046, Urbana, IL 61801 
Phone: (217) 333-0519

Dixon Springs Agricultural Center
354 State Highway 145 N, Simpson, IL 62985-9615 
Phone: (618) 695-2441

Orr Agricultural Research & Demonstration Center
37804 State Highway 104, Baylis, IL 62314
Phone: (217) 236-4961

Northwestern Illinois Research and Education Center
321 210th Ave., Monmouth, IL 61426
Phone: (309) 734-7459

Illinois Indiana Sea Grant
195 Marsteller Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2033 
Phone: (765) 496-6009

State Extension Office
Office of Extension and Outreach 

111 Mumford Hall (MC-710) , 1301 W. Gregory Dr., Urbana, IL 61801 
Phone: (217) 333-5900

Submit a Question

If you are submitting a question about a plant or tree issue or other topic, please provide a detailed description of the issue to help Extension experts diagnose the issue. 

Let us know if you want to be contact via phone. 
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